We are an independent community dedicated to exploring and understanding the Qwen2 models. Our focus is on experimenting with and analyzing these models to unlock their full potential. While we are not affiliated with the Qwen2 Dev Team, we are passionate about learning and sharing insights about the capabilities and applications of Qwen2.
The Qwen team is dedicated to pursuing artificial general intelligence, with a primary focus on developing generalist models, including large language models and multimodal models. Committed to open-source principles, they have previously released the Qwen model series, which includes language models such as Qwen-7B, Qwen-14B, and Qwen-72B, as well as their chat models and multimodal models like Qwen-VL and Qwen-Audio. In addition, the team has developed web services and apps that allow users to integrate Qwen’s capabilities into their daily work and life. The team is composed of individuals with diverse talents and interests and welcomes interactions and new members.